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Dr. Ocelot's Drug Lab
Drug Effect
Antibiotic (Difficulty 10)
: These drugs prevent infection, or stop an existing one. While I could fill an entire file on microbiology, and the effects of antibiotics on germs, this would do very little for game play. Assume that an antibiotic, when employed against an infection that is susceptible to it, will cause the infection to cease spreading and the user to become well more quickly, where the strength of the drug is the multiplier. For example, someone with strep throat who takes a +2 STR antibiotic will get well twice as fast, and so on.
OD: Overdosing on antibiotics will cause severe nausea and diarrhea for 1d6 days.
ANTICOAGULANT (Difficulty 10)
: The opposite of coagulants. Anticoagulants prevent blood from clotting. While usable as a quick antidote from a coagulant overdose, such drugs can also be employed to allow an affected user to bleed to death. Assume that someone who has used anticoagulants and is subsequently wounded for four or more points of damage will lose an additional point per turn until he dies from blood loss or the bleeding is stopped.
OD: Extreme hemophilia will result in the case of anticoagulant overdose. Even the smallest cuts (1 point of damage or more) will bleed heavily, and the user will suffer 1 point of damage per turn until he exsanguinates or the wound is stanched.
ANTIDOTE (Difficulty 15)
: Antidotes add their strength to saves made against poisons, toxins, etc. Normally, these drugs are tailored to reduce the effects of one specific substance, or negate them altogether.
OD: Most antidotes are almost poisons in their own right, and anyone overdosing on them will suffer the effects of minor poisoning. Treat this poisoning as the drug's STR in D6 poison damage. For example, overdosing on a +3 STR antidote would cause 3D6 damage to the user.
APHRODISIACS (Difficulty 10)
: These drugs increase a person's sex drive and libido. The user will be physically uncomfortable unless involved in a sexual situation, and in the case of some stronger drugs, this may not even help unless the user is continually stimulated. While under the influence, the user has a negative modifier to seduction checks equal to the drug strength.
OD: The character's sexual urges cannot be satisfied, and his state of arousal will not diminish for up to several days or weeks.
Attribute Increase #1
: This increases an attribute by the drug's strength rating for the drug's duration. Almost any attribute can be increased. Such attributes include Reflex, Intelligence, Body, Movement Allowance, Empathy, Cool, and Tech.
OD: If an overdose occurs, roll 1d10. On a roll of 1-5, you have lost a point from the attribute in question, permanently.
Attribute Increase #2
: This increases an attribute by the drug's strength rating for the drug's duration. Almost any attribute can be increased. Such attributes include Reflex, Intelligence, Body, Movement Allowance, Empathy, Cool, and Tech.
OD: If an overdose occurs, roll 1d10. On a roll of 1-5, you have lost a point from the attribute in question, permanently.
Attribute Increase #3
: This increases an attribute by the drug's strength rating for the drug's duration. Almost any attribute can be increased. Such attributes include Reflex, Intelligence, Body, Movement Allowance, Empathy, Cool, and Tech.
OD: If an overdose occurs, roll 1d10. On a roll of 1-5, you have lost a point from the attribute in question, permanently.
COAGULANT (Difficulty 10)
: These drugs cause blood to clot, and prevent blood loss. In games where blood loss is a genuine concern, assume that a patient's blood loss is reduced by as many points as the drug has in STR. In other cases where blood loss does not apply, the drug STR may be added to a First Aid or Medtech roll when stabilizing a patient, adding its STR to the stabilization roll.
OD: An overdose of coagulants can cause blood to clot inside a healthy body, unavoidably causing death. Make a death save as if you were at Mortal 2, with a -4 modifier. Failure indicates death.
CONTRACEPTIVE (Difficulty 10)
: These drugs prevent pregnancy. They have a base effectiveness of 80%, plus 5% for every point of drug strength.
OD: An overdose of contraceptive drugs can cause sterility. Roll 1d10. On a roll of 1, the user is sterile and cannot sire children.
DEPRESSANT (Difficulty 5)
: Depressants slow you down. They reduce tension, stress, and help you relax. The down side is that they also reduce your Reflex score by an amount equal to the drug's strength. While you may wonder why someone might want to take a drug like this, remember that alcohol is a depressant, and it's the most popular drug around.
OD: Taking too many depressants will cause the character to make a stun/shock at -2 or slip into a deep sleep/coma for 1d10 hours.
Enhanced Perception
: The user of these sorts of drugs starts to notice the most intricate of details. While this adds the drug's strength to his Awareness score for the duration, the user may be overcome by his increased sensory powers. Loud noises, bright lights, intense tastes, and strong odors have twice the normal effect on him.
OD: Anyone suffering the effects of overdosing on Enhanced Perception drugs will be completely overwhelmed by his senses, and cannot perform any actions. There is a 25% chance that he will suffer from terrible hallucinations.
EUPHORIC (Difficulty 5)
: These drugs make you feel really, REALLY good. They give a "rush" that lasts for as long as the drug's duration.
OD: Overdosing on a euphoric generally makes you very sick, including nausea, cold sweats, and either sleeplessness or sleepiness.
HALLUCINOGEN (Difficulty 10)
: Wow, man, look at the butterflies. These drugs make the user see things that aren't there. While under the influence, or "tripping," the user is prone to see anything his frying imagination can cook up. Such hallucinations depend on the mood of the subject (as well as the GM!), but aren't usually terrible unless the drug itself is bad.
OD: If overdosed on, assume that the hallucinogenic "trip" goes completely bad. In the case of extremely traumatic hallucinations, mental illness may result (ie, phobias, etc.).
HYPNOTIC (Difficulty 15)
: Hypnotic drugs, in high doses, are used to produce sleep during surgery. In low doses, they make many users speak and talk less guardedly about things they might otherwise have trouble speaking about. Due to this side-effect, hypnotics are routinely used as "truth serums" by corporate, military, and government agencies. In game terms, hypnotic drugs reduce the user's COOL by their strength, while at the same time granting a bonus equal to the drug's strength to anyone using Interrogation, Human Perception, or Interview on the subject.
OD: Hypnotics, if taken in large doses, cause a deep anesthesia for 1d10 hours.
Increased Endurance
: These drugs include most stimulants. While under the influence of these types of drugs, the user has increased energy and stamina. This is reflected by adding the drug's strength to his Endurance skill checks. However, someone under the influence of such a drug may have trouble sleeping.
OD: In the case of an OD, the user must make a stun/shock save at -2. In the case of a failure, he suffers from a heart attack, and must then make a death save as if at Mortal 0 or die.
Increased Healing Rate
: These drugs speed up the body's natural healing process by .5 points per point of drug strength per day. Available only by prescription.
OD: If healing drugs are taken to the point of overdose, assume that the user enters a severe state of shock as the body attempts to heal nonexistent wounds and injuries, and must make a death save at Mortal 0 or die.
Pain Negation
PAIN NEGATION (Difficulty 10)
: Pain killers, plain and simple. These drugs allow the user to ignore wound penalties by one level per strength point the drug has. For example, someone who is seriously wounded and takes a +1 STR pain killer acts as if he is only lightly wounded, and so forth.
OD: The user must make a successful unmodified stun/shock save or slip into a coma for 1d10 hours.
SOPORIFIC (Difficulty 5)
: Soporifics put you to sleep. Otherwise known as sleeping pills or tranquilizers. A user who wishes to resist the effects of these drugs must roll a body check using the strength of the drug as a negative modifier. Failure indicates immediate unconsciousness for the duration of the drug. Success means that the user gets a negative modifier equal to the drug's STR to ALL actions until the drug wears off.
OD: We all know what happens when you take too many sleeping pills. You go to sleep and never wake up. Assume that without proper treatment, someone who has ODed on soporifics will die (no death save is given) or enter a deep coma which will last for 1d10 days.
Stun Reducer
STUN REDUCERS ( Difficulty 10)
: Like pain killers, but these are usually taken before one is actually wounded. They allow the user to gain a bonus to his stun/shock and death saves, +1 for each point of drug strength. People under the influence of powerful stun-reducing drugs have been known to walk through a shower of high caliber bullets as if pebbles were being rained upon them. Of course, most of them died later on.
OD: In the case of most stun reducing drugs, an overdose will cause the user to become extremely hostile and enter a psychotic rage akin to the side effect.
Drug Feature
Lessened Withdrawl Symptoms
: Only usable for addictive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms are half as bad as they would normally be. A drug with the "Severe Withdrawal Symptoms" side effect cannot contain this feature.
Longer Duration
LONGER DURATION (Cost Modifier +10)
: When the drug is taken, roll the duration and then double the result.
Timed Duration
TIMED DURATION (Cost Modifier +10)
: Drug duration lasts as long as is specified in the description, but no longer than the maximum duration. For instance, a drug with a medium duration can last anywhere from ten to sixty minutes, but no longer. Drugs with this side effect usually require exact dosages based on the weight of the subject. Note that giving a subject too much of a drug with this feature will produce an immediate overdose, while giving a subject too little will have no effect at all.
UNDETECTABLE (Cost Modifier +10)
: Most drugs leave traces in the user's system for days, weeks, or even months. These traces can be detected through blood or urine tests, and sometimes through hair or skin samples. A drug with this feature leaves no trace in the user's body. Unless tested while under the influence of the drug, the user can freely imbibe this drug with no fear of failing a mandatory drug test.
Untimed Side Effect
Addiction Tolerance
: People who are addicted to the drug gain a tolerance to its effects. While still hooked on the drug, they gain no benefit from it unless they double or triple their dosage. Even when the dosage is upped, users only gain benefits equal to those normally indicated for a second (or third) dose (which is to say, half), but they are still at risk of overdose.
CARCINOGENIC (Cost Modifier -10)
: The drug causes cancer in laboratory tests, and the Surgeon General recommends that you stick a loaded gun in your mouth as opposed to taking the substance. Every time you use the substance, roll 1D100 (or have your GM do it for you, secretly). On a roll of 01-03, you've got a little bitty tumor growing somewhere in your body. Of course, tumors continue to spread and grow, don't they...
Cardiac Arrest
: This particularly deadly side effect indicates that the drug puts massive strain on the user's heart, risking a severe heart attack. Roll 1D10. On a result of 1-3, cardiac arrest results. Roll another 1D10, and then make a death save as if you were at the resulting Mortal level. For example, if the second 1D10 roll results in a 6, the user makes a death save as if at Mortal 6. Failure indicates death.
COMA (Cost Modifier -10)
: By using this drug, characters risk falling into a deep coma. When the drug is taken, roll 1D10. On a result of 1-3, the character becomes comatose for 1D10 days per strength point of the drug. Unless properly cared for, death will most likely result from starvation and dehydration.
DEATH (Cost Modifier -15)
The drug that this side effect is attached to is no better than poison. Each time you use it, you must make a Death Save as if you were at Mortal 2. Failure indicates your heart stops and you die. Pretty simple, eh?
Genetic Damage
GENETIC DAMAGE (Cost Modifier -6)
: Drugs with this side effect screw with a person's genes. In practical terms, this can result in severe birth defects among the user's progeny. Make a note every time the drug is taken. If the user ever manages to sire a child, roll 1D10. If the roll is less than or equal to the number of times the drug has been taken by the user in his lifetime, there may be some sort of defect/mutation in his child. To determine the defect, use the "Offspring Mutation Table" on page 22 of "Deep Space," treating all rolls of "Favorable" as "Harmless."
Slightly Physiologically Addictive
: These drugs are physiologically addictive. A drug with this side effect causes the user to physically require the drug in order to function. Like "Psychologically Addictive", this side effect has three costs which reflect on how addictive the chemical in question is. -5 is Slightly Addictive, -10 is Mildly Addictive, and -15 reflects that the drug is Highly Addictive.
Mildly Physiologically Addictive
: These drugs are physiologically addictive. A drug with this side effect causes the user to physically require the drug in order to function. Like "Psychologically Addictive", this side effect has three costs which reflect on how addictive the chemical in question is. -5 is Slightly Addictive, -10 is Mildly Addictive, and -15 reflects that the drug is Highly Addictive.
Highly Physiologically Addictive
: These drugs are physiologically addictive. A drug with this side effect causes the user to physically require the drug in order to function. Like "Psychologically Addictive", this side effect has three costs which reflect on how addictive the chemical in question is. -5 is Slightly Addictive, -10 is Mildly Addictive, and -15 reflects that the drug is Highly Addictive.
Slightly Psychologically Addictive
: This side effect reflects the psychological effect the drug has on its user. A user who is psychologically addicted to a substance is convinced he needs the drug, and feels he can't perform without it. This side effect has three costs, reflecting on how addictive the substance in question is. -4 is Slightly Addictive, -8 is Mildly Addictive, and -12 reflects that the drug is Highly Addictive.
Mildly Psychologically Addictive
: This side effect reflects the psychological effect the drug has on its user. A user who is psychologically addicted to a substance is convinced he needs the drug, and feels he can't perform without it. This side effect has three costs, reflecting on how addictive the substance in question is. -4 is Slightly Addictive, -8 is Mildly Addictive, and -12 reflects that the drug is Highly Addictive.
Highly Psychologically Addictive
: This side effect reflects the psychological effect the drug has on its user. A user who is psychologically addicted to a substance is convinced he needs the drug, and feels he can't perform without it. This side effect has three costs, reflecting on how addictive the substance in question is. -4 is Slightly Addictive, -8 is Mildly Addictive, and -12 reflects that the drug is Highly Addictive.
Nerve Degradation
NERVE DEGENERATION (Cost Modifier -15)
: This side effect is reserved for those really nasty drugs that only idiots and guinea pigs imbibe of. Every time you use this drug, your Reflex stat is reduced by 2. If it ever reaches 1, you've contracted a serious case of Parkinson's Disease, and all you can do is drool. At least you can use those neat handicapped parking spaces now. If it goes to 0 or below, roll up a new character, chombotta, and remember to say no to drugs.
NIGHTMARES (Cost Modifier -6)
: This drug causes terrible nightmares in users. The first time a user of such a drug sleeps after a dose, he must roll under his COOL -4. Failure indicates that he wakes up screaming after 1D6 hours of restless slumber, and will be unable to sleep again for hours afterwards. Nightmares caused by the side effect cannot be recalled by the user, and reflect on his most primal fears. Addicts of such drugs often use them in conjunction with stimulants since they know that monsters are waiting for them behind their closed eyelids...
Permenant Sense Loss
: The drug causes the user to lose a sense (touch, smell, hearing, taste, or sight) permanently. Roll 1D10. On a roll of 1-3, the affected sense is gone, forever. This is due to nerve damage, so senses enhanced with cybernetics (ie, optics, hearing modules, tactile boosts, etc.) are affected as well. It is possible to regain the sense with expensive nanosurgery involving nerve reconstruction.
Possible Attribute Loss
: This side-effect covers the possible loss of an attribute from a variety of factors which could result from drug ingestion. Attributes that can be damaged this way include Intelligence and Tech (brain damage), Reflex and Movement Allowance (nerve degeneration), Body (immunodeficiency and muscle atrophy), and Empathy and Cool (psychological damage). Every time you take the drug in question, roll 1d10. On a roll of 1-3, you've lost a point from one of these attributes permanently.
Severe Withdrawal Symptoms
: Only usable for addictive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms are twice as bad as they would normally be. A drug with the "Lessened Withdrawal Symptoms" feature cannot contain this side effect.
STERILITY (Cost Modifier -8)
: Using this drug can cause the junkie to become unable to sire children by damaging his sexual glands directly. In severe cases, sexual function is completely impaired, and impotence will result. Roll 1d10 each time the drug is used. On a roll of 1-3, the user's sexual fertility is destroyed.
Timed Side Effect
ACNE (Cost Modifier -2)
: The drug causes the user's face to break out due to excess oil production or stress. Normally, this could start out as a small problem, but frequent use of the drug can cause a more serious acne problem to develop (negative modifiers to ATT, as well as the increased chance of infection).
Aggressive Behaviour
: A character experiencing such behavior will act to satisfy his own needs with little regard for the feelings of others, is irritable and easily provoked. He will not back down from a fight, and may even attempt to initiate one. He will have no respect for authority, and any suggestion that he is incapable of anything will be seen as a challenge. Gee, sounds like your typical Cyberpunk character...
Bad Breath
BAD BREATH (Cost Modifier -2)
This side effect indicates that halitosis develops. The character's breath will be incredibly rank, granting him a -3 modifier to all social rolls involving direct, face-to-face contact. No amount of brushing or listerine will help.
Bloodshot Eyes
BLOODSHOT EYES (Cost Modifier -2)
: The drug induces red, puffy, bloodshot eyes. Vision is not impaired.
Cold Sweats
COLD SWEATS (Cost Modifier -2)
: This side effect causes the character to sweat for no apparent reason. No amount of anti-perspirant will do, since every pore on his body is working a double shift. Sweaty characters suffer no real modifications, though they may grow dehydrated or get the chills in cold or air-conditioned environments (-1 to all checks involving Reflex). Their palms will be slippery, and they will stink. Incredibly sweaty characters may also incur negative modifiers to social rolls.
CONSTIPATION (Cost Modifier -2)
: Constipation prevents a character from performing normal bowel movements for the duration of the side effect. No matter how bad the character feels he has to go, no amount of straining, grunting, or groaning will help. The character will feel as if he is carrying a lead weight in his colon, and will receive a -1 modifier to all actions involving physical exertion, including Initiative rolls.
COWARDICE (Cost Modifier -6)
: The character will exhibit his most timid side, and will be more likely to run from trouble. Any time the character tries to accomplish a task which may cause him physical harm, he must make a Save against Cool at -2 in order to show some guts and stick around. If he fails, he must run or hide, whichever is more convenient.
DANDRUFF/ECZEMA (Cost Modifier -2)
: The user's skin cracks and peels away. This side effect could be confined to the user's scalp, a specific part of the body, or the body as a whole. Complications include reduced Attractiveness. In addition, the user tends to leave little bits of himself behind at crime scenes, and police will have no problem isolating his DNA.
DEHYDRATION (Cost Modifier -2)
: The subject cannot retain water at all, and will suffer from symptoms such as cotton mouth and dry eyes. This side effect is usually accompanied by either nausea, diarrhea, diuretic, cold sweats, or a combination of the four.
DELUSIONS (Cost Modifier -5)
: Anyone suffering from delusions is under the impression that something that is highly unlikely is actually happening. Such delusions can be as minor as believing that Saburo Arasaka is controlled by aliens, or as serious as believing that you actually *ARE* Saburo Arasaka.
DEPRESSION (Cost Modifier -4)
: The character becomes depressed, and doesn't feel like doing anything. Anything he attempts to do will suffer a -2 modifier, because he just doesn't really care. Severe cases of depression can cause feelings of hopelessness, and characters who are normally unstable may feel like dropping the final curtain by committing suicide.
DIARRHEA (Cost Modifier -4)
: The drug causes sudden, painful, and explosive diarrhea. The unlucky soul will be unable to control his bowels for more than a few moments at a time.
Difficult Respiration
: Anyone experiencing the effect of difficult respiration is suffering from either shortness of breath, asthma-like symptoms, a tightening of the diaphragm muscles, or a combination of the three. On a roll of 1 on 1D10 indicates the subject cannot, in fact, breath at all, and will suffocate unless proper medical attention has been administered. Running is out of the question, as is most other high- and low-impact exercise.
DIURETIC (Cost Modifier -2)
: The drug increases the amount of urine produced and secreted by the body. The user affected by this will exhibit excessive urination, at least once per hour of the effect's duration, if not more.
DIZZINESS (Cost Modifier -4)
: The drug causes severe dizziness. The character suffering this effect will have trouble walking in a straight line or, for that matter, standing. This results in the user's Reflex and MA being halved for the duration of the side effect. In addition, he looks damn weird as he lurches around, bumping into objects and people.
Easily Bruised
EASILY BRUISED (Cost Modifier -2)
: Even small bumps and thumps leave large bruises on the user. These bruises tend to be painful and noticeable, but don't affect the user otherwise.
Excessive Salivation
: The drug causes the user's salivary glands to work double time. Unless he continues to swallow his saliva as it is produced, it will dribble down his chin and onto his body in an incredibly disgusting fashion. This side effect can also be used to emulate the "mad dog" effect of foaming at the mouth.
FLATULENCE (Cost Modifier -2)
: The user gets terrible abdominal gas, and must vent uncontrollably for the duration. While being mildly painful, the real disadvantage to this side effect comes with the stench it causes, as well as the potential embarrassment. Then again, there are people who enjoy this sort of thing, so who am I to judge?
Hair Loss
HAIR LOSS (Cost Modifier -2)
: The drug causes hair loss in both men and women. Eighty or ninety percent of the user's head hair falls out effortlessly in large clumps. Most users of the drug are left with a mangy-looking scalp and small patches of unhealthy-looking hair here and there, modifying the character's ATT by -2 or more.
HALLUCINATIONS (Cost Modifier -5)
: This side effect causes unlooked-for hallucinations. Such hallucinations can be traumatic or harmless, depending on the situation. Any Hallucinogenic drug with this side effect causes a "bad trip" 95% of the time.
HEADACHES (Cost Modifier -4)
: The drug causes blinding headaches. The character cannot focus on anything for long periods of time, and has trouble seeing. Loud noises and bright lights will make this side effect worse.
Heartburn/Acid Indigestion
: The drug causes an excess production of stomach acids. While this is uncomfortable and rarely serious, it can result in ulcers in the stomach and esophagus.
HIVES (Cost Modifier -4)
: The character develops itchy and painful hives all over his body. Not only does he suffer from the "Itchy" side-effect, but the have-related rash covering his body is obvious and unattractive, as well as being incredibly uncomfortable.
: While the user might desire to have sex, he or she is physically incapable for the duration of the side effect.
Increased Pain Sensitivity
: The drug makes little pains feel much, much bigger. Big pains will incapacitate the character as he writhes around in agony. While this effect lasts, the character makes all stun/shock saves at -2, and gains a -4 to resist torture.
INSOMNIA (Cost Modifier -4)
: The character cannot sleep, no matter how tired he is. Characters suffering from lack of sleep tend to be cranky and unable to concentrate. Subtract -1 from all actions until the character gets at least six hours of sleep.
Internal Bleeding
INTERNAL BLEEDING (Cost Modifier -4)
: For some reason, the drug causes the user's guts to hemorrhage and bleed. For every two hours of side effect duration (or every fraction thereof), the user takes one box of damage. Blood may show up in the users stools, urine, and/or vomit.
Irrational Fear
IRRATIONAL FEAR (Cost Modifier -10)
: Anyone suffering this side effect will develop a sudden intense fear of a random object, thing, or circumstance, determined by the Game Master. The character will stop at nothing to put as much distance between himself and the object/situation he fears. If escape is impossible, he will fight like a cornered animal.
ITCHY (Cost Modifier -3)
: The character suffers from a terrible itchy sensation all over his body. No amount of scratching or hydrocortisone will stop the irritation. Due to trouble concentrating, the character is at -1 to all activities. Habitual users of drugs that cause itching are usually walking scabs.
Kidney/Liver Failure
: Taking this drug will cause a user's kidneys and liver to work overtime while filtering his blood stream of the nasty substance. This can cause these organs to fail. Roll 1d10. On a roll of 1, the user's kidneys and/or liver have stopped functioning. Unless proper medical attention is sought, the character will die within twenty-four hours due to poisons running unchecked through his bloodstream.
Lack of Concentration
: The character cannot concentrate on any one thing for more than a couple minutes. His mind is restlessly wandering, and he is easily distracted. For the duration, he suffers a -3 to all actions.
Light Sensitivity
LIGHT SENSITIVITY (Cost Modifier -2)
: The drug dilates the pupils and induces red, bloodshot eyes. The character is at a loss in any situation involving a bright light (-2 to all actions in daylight) unless wearing sunglasses or equipped with flare compensation. Characters with cybereyes are still affected by bright lights, since this side effect focuses on the optic nerve rather than the eye itself.
Loss of Appetite
LOSS OF APPETITE (Cost Modifier -2)
: The character will not eat, and will not feel hungry. People hooked on drugs with this side effect tend to be thin and emaciated. Characters who don't eat will starve within a couple weeks if not given treatment. This is reflected in the loss of one BODY point every three or four days. When the character's body reaches 0, he will die. If normal food consumption is resumed, the character will recover one BODY point a day until he reaches his original score.
Loss of Inhibition
LOSS OF INHIBITION (Cost Modifier -4)
: Anyone suffering from Loss of Inhibition will do things that they normally would be adverse to doing. For instance, someone who wouldn't normally consider raping a helpless teenage girl might think it's a good idea at the time and throw inhibitions to the wind. Much of this side effect must be role-played. If game mechanics enter into it, however, the player must roll under his character's COOL score on a 1D10 in order to consider his actions and stop. Modify the character's COOL score by the drug's STR, using the number as a negative (instead of positive) modifier.
Memory Loss
MEMORY LOSS (Cost Modifier -4)
: The user will have no memory of what has happened while under the effects of the drug. If he tries really hard (Very Difficult Intelligence check), he can remember vague events, but no specifics (ie, names, phone numbers, conversations, etc).
NAUSEA (Cost Modifier -4)
: The character must make a stun/shock save at -2 or throw up. The nausea is painful and will extend into dry heaves. For the duration the character may not safely eat or drink anything. If he attempts to eat anything, a new stun/shock save at -2 is in order. Failure indicates more vomiting.
NUMBNESS (Cost Modifier -4)
: At a -4 cost modifier, this drug causes the user's extremities to become numb and void of feeling. Fine manipulation is impossible, and walking is impossible unless the character is given support.
Numbness (total)
NUMBNESS (Cost Modifier -6)
: At -6, the lack of feeling extends to the whole body. Since the user is experiencing no pain, the GM should secretly keep track of his wounds.
PARALYSIS (Cost Modifier -6)
: Characters suffering from paralysis cannot move, speak, and they may have trouble breathing. Paralysis can take many forms, from complete muscle relaxation to a painful tightening of the entire muscular system. While paralyzed, the user is completely helpless and can perform no actions.
PARANOIA (Cost Modifier -5)
: While this side effect lasts, the user is convinced that everyone and everything is out to get him. While most of this will have to be role-played, a few Cool rolls at appropriate times may be called for.
Psychotic Rage
PSYCHOTIC RAGE (Cost Modifier -10)
: A result of some of the worst combat drugs. The user goes berserk, attacking the nearest friend or enemy, he doesn't really care which. If a Difficult Resist Torture/Drugs roll is made, the user may specifically ignore a friend or ally and focus his attention on a target of his choice.
Reduced Attribute #1
REDUCED ATTRIBUTE (Cost Modifier -5)
: This drug reduces an attribute by an amount equal to the drug strength for an amount of time equal to the duration. Attributes that can be reduced include Reflex, Intelligence, Body, Movement Allowance, Empathy, Cool, and Tech. If a physical attribute (Reflex, Body, MA) is reduced below zero, make a Death Save or die. If a mental attribute (Intelligence, Tech) is reduced below zero, the user slips into a deep coma for the duration. In the case of Empathy being lowered below zero, assume that user is sociopathic and is liable to do anything. A Cool score below zero indicates total nervous breakdown.
Reduced Attribute #2
REDUCED ATTRIBUTE (Cost Modifier -5)
: This drug reduces an attribute by an amount equal to the drug strength for an amount of time equal to the duration. Attributes that can be reduced include Reflex, Intelligence, Body, Movement Allowance, Empathy, Cool, and Tech. If a physical attribute (Reflex, Body, MA) is reduced below zero, make a Death Save or die. If a mental attribute (Intelligence, Tech) is reduced below zero, the user slips into a deep coma for the duration. In the case of Empathy being lowered below zero, assume that user is sociopathic and is liable to do anything. A Cool score below zero indicates total nervous breakdown.
Reduced Attribute #3
REDUCED ATTRIBUTE (Cost Modifier -5)
: This drug reduces an attribute by an amount equal to the drug strength for an amount of time equal to the duration. Attributes that can be reduced include Reflex, Intelligence, Body, Movement Allowance, Empathy, Cool, and Tech. If a physical attribute (Reflex, Body, MA) is reduced below zero, make a Death Save or die. If a mental attribute (Intelligence, Tech) is reduced below zero, the user slips into a deep coma for the duration. In the case of Empathy being lowered below zero, assume that user is sociopathic and is liable to do anything. A Cool score below zero indicates total nervous breakdown.
Reduced Awareness
REDUCED AWARENESS (Cost Modifier -6)
: The user of a drug with this effect is oblivious to the world around him. While Sense Reduction only affects one of the senses, Reduced Awareness affects them ALL. All skill rolls which rely on any of the user's senses suffer a -4 modifier, and all Awareness rolls are made at -6.
Ringing in Ears
RINGING IN EARS (Cost Modifier -2)
: Due to severe tinnitus, the user has trouble hearing soft to medium volume sounds. As such, he suffers -2 to all noise-related awareness rolls.
Runny Nose
RUNNY NOSE (Cost Modifier -2)
: Users suffering from a runny nose are constantly sniffling and blowing their noses. This doesn't really help, though. Roll 1d10. On a roll of 1 or 2, the character develops a bloody nose. While having no real game effect, he will be dripping blood everywhere. It will take between three and five minutes of constant pressure to stop the nose from bleeding, but the character still has a serious case of the sniffles.
Sense Reduction
SENSE REDUCTION (Cost Modifier -4)
: The drug reduces the user's sense of touch, smell, hearing, taste, or sight for the duration of the side effect. All rolls made which rely on the sense in question receive a -4 modifier. For example, someone suffering from Sense Reduction: Sight would be at a -4 to shooting his weapon due to blurred vision or near-blindness. All awareness rolls made with the appropriate sense are also at -4.
Sexual Arousal
SEXUAL AROUSAL (Cost Modifier -4)
: The drug turns the user on, yet to a lesser degree than most aphrodisiacs. Anyone attempting to seduce the user gains a +1 bonus. In addition, all outward signs of arousal are visible and quite obvious. If the drug with this side effect is an aphrodisiac, roll 1d10. On a result of 1 or 2, a permanent state of arousal occurs, and doesn't go away...EVER. Is that a truncheon in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
SLEEPY (Cost Modifier -4)
: The drug makes the user sleepy. A character who is overcome with sleepiness must make a successful stun/shock save or fall into a deep, dreamless sleep. Soporifics with this side effect induce a deep, coma-like state that can last for 1d10 days.
Strange Skin Pallor
STRANGE SKIN PALLOR (Cost Modifier -2)
: The drug tints the user's skin a strange color. This can indicate that the drug makes its user's skin pale, or that his lips turn blue, but it can also indicate a more severe chromatic variation to his epidermis. Like, say, your whole body is blue. Like a smurf.
Suicidal Tendencies
: The user becomes depressed or agitated, convinced that life is meaningless and that it might as well end as soon as possible. While possessed of suicidal tendencies, a character must roll under his COOL score -2. If the roll is failed, he must take immediate suicidal action. The method he uses is whichever is most convenient, be it putting a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger, or jumping off his fifth floor balcony into the moving traffic below. Needless to say, users of such drugs eventually do society a favor.
Technicolor Excretia
: The user's bodily waste, be it urine or feces or both, turns a strange color. This effect lasts twice as long as the drug duration.
The Munchies
THE MUNCHIES (Cost Modifier -2)
: The drug with this side effect causes the user to grow really irrationally hungry. The character will eat any edible substance, and will believe that it's the best thing he's ever tasted.
TREMORS (Cost Modifier -2)
: The user experiences violent tremors in his face and hands. The palsied fellow has his Reflex reduced by 2.
Water Retention
WATER RETENTION (Cost Modifier -2)
: Due to nonfunctional kidneys or other less traumatic problems, the user of a drug with this side-effect will retain water for the side effect's duration. He will not be able to urinate, and will become bloated for the duration.
Weight Gain
WEIGHT GAIN (Cost Modifier -2)
: The drug causes the user's body to store excess energy in the form of fat. Users of drugs with this side effect tend to be quite large and overweight, while addicts suffer from obesity. Every time a drug with this effect is used, the user gains 1D6 pounds. Due to the extra weight he is carrying, an overweight character suffers a -1 to MA for every twenty-five pounds he weighs past his "perfect weight." In addition to the physical effects, in the superficial atmosphere of Cyberpunk 2020, where everyone is fashion-model perfect, overweight people might suffer a social stigma worse than their 20th century counterparts.
Drug Strength
Drug Legality
Drug Form (Time to Effect)
Short (1d10 minutes)
Medium (1d6x10 minutes)
Long (1d10 hours)
Strength +1
Strength +2
Strength +3
Strength +4
Strength +5
By Prescription Only
Type C Illegal
Type B Illegal
Type A Illegal
Pill/Tablet (2d6x10 min)
Gel Cap/Caplet (9+1d6 min)
Paper Tab (1d10 min)
Smoked/Inhaled (1d5 turns)
Powdered/Snorted (1d2 min)
Injected (1d5 turns)
Liquid (1d10 min)
Derm/Slap Patch (10+2d10 sec)
Contact (1d5 turns)
Total Cost
Total Difficulty
Drug Description