Lifepath Generator
- Clothes: Normal Clothes Hairstyle: Short & Curly Affectations: Spiked Heeled Boots
- Ethnic Origins: Hispanic American
Family Background
- Family Ranking: Gang Family
- Parents: Both parents are living.
- Family Status: Family lost everything through betrayal.
- Childhood Environment: In a defended Corporate Zone in the Central City.
- Siblings: You have 4 siblings:
- Sibling 1: Younger brother. Sibling neutral towards you.
- Sibling 2: Older sister. Sibling hero woships you.
- Sibling 3: Older brother. Sibling likes you.
- Sibling 4: Younger sister. Sibling dislikes you.
- Personality Traits: Friendly and outgoing
- Person You Most Value: Lover
- What Do You Value Most: Vengeance
- How Do You Feel About Most People: Every person is a valuable individual.
- Your Most Valued Posession: A peice of jewelry.
Life Events
- Age 16: Romantic Involvement -
- Age 17: Make an Enemy:
- Who? - Person You Work For
- Why? - Deserted or betrayed the other
- Who's Fracked Off? - You hate them
- Whatcha' Gonna Do About It? - Go into a murderous killing rage and rip his face off!
- What Can He Throw Against You? - An entire gang
- Age 18: Nothing noteworthy happend that year.